
/ / / / / / WHAT IS IT? / / / / / /

_the main Brazilian newspapers

in a national network.

Digital Premium Jornais Network is an adnetwork where you advertise simultaneously in the digital versions of the country’s 17 leading newspapers, in a premium and exclusive format. It has delivered 8 million impressions per day, impacting every user who accesses newspaper homepages or printed versions, totaling about 5 million people in the desktop and mobile versions. It is the most qualified media platform in the country. In 2016, it won the category Launch of the Year at the XII ANATEC Award, the country’s largest segmented media award.

see video


_17 newspapers


_70% of GDP


_5 million people


_only 1 interlocutor

_blast regional high impact

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The Digital Premium audience consists of 57% men and 43% women from AB classes, of which 51% are in the age group 25-44 – a young, informed and qualified audience that moves economy. Digital Premium Jornais reaches 70% of the Brazilian GDP with an audience that seeks news and information in the main and most reliable sources in Brazil: the newspapers. Their readers are economically active, that is, they move the country’s economy.




Digital Premium Network is the country’s best qualified media platform and is among the top 10 Internet properties, according to comScore.


_brand safety_

The newspapers that form the network are always close to their audience, delivering content that really matters in people’s lives. Associating your client’s brand with these newspapers is associating it with responsibility, credibility, truth, and trust.



There are 8 million impressions per day for 5 million people, on average, in the desktop and mobile versions of the newspapers that form the network. In addition, this network operates in an exclusive premium format of high impact and viewability, making your campaign be noticed and not just shown.


_exclusive content_

Brazil’s 17 leading newspapers rely on the best journalists in the country, publishing their own content, what makes them the most reliable sources of news. When there is a rumor, readers always search the newspapers to get truthful information.



With national coverage, the network is present in 12 cities spread across more than 7 states, with global power, but local vision, associating its brand with the most reliable newspapers in each region of the country.



Negotiation with only one interlocutor, who publishes your campaign in all the newspapers, saving time and guaranteeing delivery. Moreover, you can follow the results quickly and efficiently.


A Rede Digital Premium é a plataforma de mídia mais qualificada do país e está entre as 10 maiores propriedades da internet, segundo dados da comScore.

_conteúdo único_

Os 18 principais jornais do Brasil contam com os melhores jornalistas do país, oferecendo conteúdo de própria autoria que os tornam as fontes mais confiáveis de notícias, afinal, quando há um boato, é sempre no jornal que os usuários buscam a informação verdadeira.

_brand safety_

Os jornais que formam a rede estão sempre próximos ao público, entregando conteúdo que realmente importa na vida das pessoas. Associar a marca do seu cliente a esses jornais é associá-la à responsabilidade, credibilidade, verdade e confiança.


Com cobertura nacional, está em 12 cidades espalhadas em mais de 7 estados. Com poder global, mas com um olhar local, associa sua marca aos mais confiáveis jornais de cada região do país.


São 8 milhões de impressões por dia que impactam 5 milhões de pessoas, em média, nas versões desktop e mobile dos jornais que compõem o Digital Premium. Além disso, a rede opera com um formato premium e exclusivo de alto impacto e viewability, fazendo sua campanha ser realmente vista e não apenas exibida.


Negociação com apenas um interlocutor, que coloca sua campanha em todos os jornais, poupando tempo e garantindo a entrega. Além disso, você pode acompanhar os resultados de forma rápida e eficiente.


& simplicity

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Unlike media plans on TV, before Digital Premium Jornais it was not possible to advertise media products in national coverage newspapers with a simple operation. It used to take about five days to contact the country’s leading newspapers, and each newspaper had different advertising formats. The individual negotiation with each newspaper increased considerably the campaign’s costs compared to the costs for the same campaign through our network. Then, Digital Premium Jornais was created to meet the market’s demand to plan newspaper media as net media.


_newspapers that form the network

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Great advertisers have already worked with Digital Premium Jornais Network and all the launched campaigns achieved excellent results, contributing positively to the performance of their media plans. That is because every time something happens, and the information starts to circulate on the internet, the users only believe it after seeing that piece of news published on a truthful site, like newspapers. Network advertising is an innovation that reflects how much newspapers bring innovative solutions and modernization to the market.

Read below some customers who have already announced with Digital Premium Jornais Network:




Lets talk
Lets talk




CURITIBA: Rua Jaguariaíva, 596 | Alphaville Graciosa | CEP 83.327-076 | Pinhais, PR

SÃO PAULO: Rua do Rocio, 84 | Vila Olímpia | CEP 04.552-000 | São Paulo, SP



Rua Jaguariaíva, 596 | Alphaville Graciosa

CEP 83.327-076 | Pinhais, PR


Rua do Rocio, 84 | Vila Olímpia

CEP 04.552-000 | São Paulo, SP